箱庭開いた... Was ki erra na hieg, guol eux en reen sor Quive sefanl en zaam nha yor La hynne keen iasien en omnis Rrha quel ra xe hymme anw Tek tes ryusse 秘密な 言葉を紡いて微睡みにつく 真っ黒に潜む微光に連れる No ascendency, your vision's been casted to nihil Cascading, sleeping oceans now down capsized Oh, the spirit owns the forest The prophet rules the wilderness 遥か遠く 誰かを呼ぶのか ね、また誰が 記憶を織り合わせる 失った過去は 繋いでゆく Ahhh, your wings is broken with its vector Distorted the memory, polarized dreamscape Can you see the castle in the air Iridescence surrounds, runs in state of flux ああ 無限の時間に人生がいつも朝顔の花一時 霞む霧に囚われつつある あえがに芽生えた 森の胡蝶 箱庭開いた 綾なす光 知らぬ先を照らして 揺れ彩る 夢見る The clarity of the world is breaking down by time She reveals the blue print and it blows my mind I can see those mortal signs My life's a shooting star in the sky Breathtaking sights make my eyes open wide Facing the great divide Before it disappears, I'll reset my woven empire 慈悲な神よ 耳を傾けて 夜明け前に 輝きを授け A la hynne keen iasien en omnis Wee waa erra bautifal 虚空へ 手伸ばして Ahhh, your wings is broken with its vector Distorted the memory, polarized dreamscape Can you see the castle in the air Iridescence surrounds, runs in state of flux