Solveig Leithaug - Faraway Lullaby текст песни
Solveig Leithaug
альбом: Finding Home
Faraway Lullaby
Solveig Leithaug
Finding Home
Faraway Lullaby
For my children, far and near,
And for all moms and dads who are unable
To be with their kids at bedtime.
As you lay down on your pillow
Stars are playing on your walls
And the feathers in the shadows
Dance like angels down the halls
Lady moon is keeping vigil
I'm keeping vigil too
Though I'm far away
My heart is there with you
When you wake up in the morning
You'll be older than tonight
Soon you'll fl y just like a sparrow
From the nest into the skies
The stars are shining on you
My eyes are shining too
You're my light, my dear
My heart is there with you
Longitudes and latitudes
Lullabies and altitudes
You dream deep and I'll get through
And soon, my dear, I will be home with you
Some day when you are older
And living on your own
Your laughter softly echoes
And I'm wishing you were home
The moon will rise to heaven
My prayers will rise up too
For where you are
My heart is there with you
Solveig Leithaug © 2013 Apple Cake Music / Admin
Sarah Hart © 2013 River Oaks Music Co (BMI) / Publishing
(A division of OCP) (BMI) Admin at Capitol
CCLI Song ID: 7005684 (Words Only song file)
CCLI Song ID: 7005687 (Music Only song file)
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