Sluts They're the girls whose names are scribbled On the bathroom stalls. You can find their numbers scratched into The phone booth walls. Everybody whispers when they Pass them in the halls. They call them... Sluts, sluts, sluts – everywhere they go they're Sluts, sluts, sluts – everybody knows that They're the girls who want to do The things you want to do. You've heard all the rumors but you Don't know if they're true. Then you see them in the hallways Making eyes at you. You know they're... Sluts, sluts, sluts – everywhere they go they're Sluts, sluts, sluts – everybody knows that Everything inside you says it's time for you to score Now you want to grab a hold of one and do it on the floor They're the kind of girls who make you Glad that you're a man. That's the way it's been forever, Since the world began. You want to satisfy them, but you Don't know if you can. And they're just... Sluts, sluts, sluts – everywhere they go they're Sluts, sluts, sluts – everybody knows that Why the people label them i've Never understood. Just because they do things People don't think that they should. Can't the people see that they're just Doing what feels good? And they're just... Sluts, sluts, sluts Sluts, sluts, sluts Just talking 'bout, just talking 'bout sluts...