擋我路無所謂 無重力飛過全部設限 降落抵達月面 著陸前 耀眼 (To the moon) ♪ Am I dreaming? They said 攻擊前功盡棄 他們看我擺脫引力 根本來不及收行李 Keep dreaming 剪了枷鎖的規則 Can't control the chaos 被當撲火的飛蛾 Sorry but I'm all the way up 暗處的流言不斷在重傷我 嘲笑佔據眼耳鼻口 斑駁的靈魂不甘示弱 我用力撐著 You are your only enemy You are you are 擋我路無所謂 無重力飛過全部設限 降落抵達月面 著陸前 耀眼 (To the moon) ♪ 愛我 這眼光準沒錯 選我 不屑高抬貴手 Shut up 我不想管 你的三觀 放在我身上全都是笑話 不需要 誰肯定 我懂我 自己的美 再多雜音環繞就當作旋律 歌頌將勝利的結局 聚集眼神裡的堅定我們用力唱著 We are our own worst enemy We are we are 擋我路無所謂 無重力飛過全部設限 降落抵達月面 著陸前 耀眼 當我們一起飛 無重力是彼此的信念 降落抵達月面 著陸前 無間 (To the moon) We're all standing right here The goal's erasing my fear 告訴他我們來了 Bring the hope and bring the fire We're all standing right here The goal's erasing my fear 告訴他我們來了 Bring the hope and bring the fire We are in charge of destiny We are we are We are our own worst enemy We are we are You are the one who should be free You are you are You are your only enemy You are You are