Drop top white Mercedes waiting across the side for ya You're ready for this graduation summertime Seen each other naked, we got nothing to hide oh girl And now I think our love is truly color-blind 金色頭髮 沐浴聖弗朗西斯科夕陽雨 她的瞳孔像 藍寶石嵌在我心房裡 You're like Aphrodite walking outta ancient mural Sending me blessings through this muddy rubbly Silk Road 嬌媚 讓我陶醉 金髮碧眼的白人女士 潮水 將我包圍 Babe 你還要我再等幾時 嬌媚 讓我陶醉 金髮碧眼的白人女士 潮水 將我包圍 Babe 你還要我再等幾時 You told me you're leaving You gave me a reason that's killing my patience With sighing you're crying but does it matter now Your parents don't like me, your parents are racists You call me your gay friend to cool them down and what the hell is that about To them, I'm an alien race eating stinky rice Blinky chinky eyes Blame your god, why don't tint me white Loving you is a fuckin' crime in this generation We will find a relation that everyone would celebrate 有些真話 過於直白就會傷情麵 即便你我對這環境都心存不滿 就像在雨夜輕彈博蘭斯勒鋼琴鍵 指尖上總會留下那複雜的觸感 嬌媚 讓我陶醉 金髮碧眼的白人女士 潮水 將我包圍 Babe 你還要我再等幾時 嬌媚 讓我陶醉 金髮碧眼的白人女士 潮水 將我包圍 Babe 你還要我再等幾時 玫瑰幹枯在手裡 聚光燈就打在我頭頂 那投影像螻蟻伴隨流體 把我睏在了那些狹隘眼眸裡 上帝給了你白皙的膚色 讓社會百般地寵你 但新移民 仍活在黑暗的荊棘林 生育權仍不被容許 造物主讓小行星 墜落在破曉時分 隨後讓地表結冰 資源被物種平分 天平偏向高傲的侵略者 遂將暴力向弱勢傾瀉着 群體間因極寒都皸裂了 你怎會如此地殷切呢 純白的蝴蝶展翅逃離這廢墟 純白的蝴蝶流下同情的淚滴 美得像一顆劃破銀河的彗星 很罪噁 這是種罪噁感 純白的蝴蝶展翅逃離這廢墟 純白的蝴蝶流下同情的淚滴 美得像一顆劃破銀河的彗星 很罪噁 美麗的罪噁感 If you knew some of the nice American ladies Who're interested in China's culture, interested in an Asian man Interested in me 我希望通過你認識一個在美國生活的西方的金髮碧眼的白人女士