I long to see, The splender of a King, oh Father reveal yourself to me. The author of Love, Lord of everything, You desire to come and meet with me ooh ooh oooh!! () I stand in Awe, I stand in awe of You I stand in awe of You God, () You hold the world and everything beyond, Created by Your commanding Law, Greater than all, highest Majesty, Yet Your heart chases after me. I stand in awe, I stand in awe of You, I stand in awe of You God, () Stopped in my tracks, no turning back I stand in awe of You God... I stand in awe, I stand in awe of You, I stand in awe of You God. Lord Your great, Lord You are great And greatly to be praised... () Stopped in my tacks, No turning back. I stand in awe of You God ()