Theres's a tale that old men may whisper When the cold night is dark and bitter War was over and Arthur's subjects Were enjoying peace When at Camelot a green giant swept in "Bow! The night said, there is no courage in your hearts" "Bow! He said again, 'less someone accepts my challenge" "Fight with me I will let you strike First, to your death of unlikely to mine" And so tall and so strong was the knight That no one in the court dared to move But Sir Gawain was the most courageous man of the realm Mad with anger he rose and faced the green knight "Fool, don't you know, we don't bow to rascal like you" "Fool! He said again, I will avenge this insult" So as he spoke he drew his sword, striking his foe right in his head "Fool, don't you know the green knight cannot be beaten" "Fool but brave Sir, you have earned my respect, In one year we two will meet again, As two friends and no longer two ennemies"