Why does the earth give us people to love? Then take them away, out of reach? Why does the earth make us fill up the church When the answers are beneath our feet? I've buried old and young I've watched them lower a saint We're only waiting our turn Call that living ♪ Why does the earth give us people to love? Then give them a sickness that kills? And why does the earth make us pay for the dirt? Are you saying the dead pay the bills? I've buried old and young I've watched them lower a saint We're only waiting our turn Call that living Like aiming arrows at my eye Scraping the skin off of my thigh Trained my corneas not to cry But they will not obey this time No, they will not obey this time When we could barely read, I stood Beneath your latest masterpiece You collected colored pencils And sharpened them when they got weak But just when you should sharpen me The angels licensed you to leave No trace, no teeth Lead me to the place you sleep At the age of seventeen Your knees were weaker than a sheet And I was just in disbelief The sight of you was vanishing We were going to start a band Hijack my folks' minivan Actualize our silly plans The lifelines written in our hands I'll make a promise to you, then If we can ever sing again You sing those high notes high, my friend I'll sing the low notes in the end I'll sing the low notes in the end