How many times have you heard, how many times did you say "I think I'm going crazy! you're driving me out of my mind!"? We know it's just an expression, a silly little phrase Not the doorbell, not a bird call Koo koo How do you drive someone crazy? To where? In what kind of car? Maybe we find a road map I'm sure it's not very far We know it's not so serious We take it all in fun Answer the ding dong, do you play ping pong? Could you? Trying to get your attention Did someone say earth's calling you? Don't say it, don't ever mention, you're hearing more voices than two Roasted or raw delicious! Freeze dried or salted divine! Was that a. Are you a. Are you? Storms have rearranged the sand millions of years up till now Crusaders on a never ending search die for a never ending thirst What a fine perforformance, oasis! Well worth the standing ovation Not a mirage Not camoflouge to you