Now this here is a very sad song I felt obliged to write a song of this sort As to why I don't know We'll figure that out later See... The things that life are showing you Let your pride grow slower inside of you Later you'll touch... The things modimo promised He don't wanna hurt you as punish you He want you to taste the piece of a good pie Depending on how you eat it you'll be known as a good guy Utlwa molaetsa pina otlang m'feela Eseng kgale otloe phyina Your mom sitting mo stilong a dutse Nosi mo gae ebile a saya ko phitlhong Pay your face... Emptiness kamo matlhong a huparetse leswana dintsi di foka dijong She think oko skolong later on she Gets a call ya gore ngwana o mo dilong Now all she think about is how she Hurt you overdose o tlhokafetse bophelong See... Letletse ka kara Red eyes melomo e nkga di bara Le tshameka di katara next thing find yourself o tsoga ko bara Simolla ka go wara batla go emelela oye gae mara Both legs are empitated now your depression is aggravated Your girl laying mo reception Whole lotta nurses trying to deal with the contractions She's in need of your affection Now as to whether you are is the question You somewhere drinking in the bar Later you'll be with a pikinini in the car Before you go far you get an sms lost baby From where you are you see... Gore ditsala ke noka o ba bona fela ga ntho di loka Otla tsamaya le bona gole monate Just before you reach lewatle ba gokwa Bo ne ba tswelela pele You're busy dealing ka dilo disele E sengkgale wa ba diya ga ba go latlha otla nagana ba jiya You see...