I think every album has a tipping point, A moment where you're You're, you're... you're sitting inside of the record And you've recorded certain things, And then all of a sudden a song comes Along and you realize you're on the right path. High Dive was that song for me. It was, it was written in a really quick and inspired way. Mike Viola who is the producer and Spirit guide for this record, I always joke We'd been working in his garage for a handful of weeks And ended up coming up with this drum loop this one day After writing a bunch of ideas that didn't work And had this awesome little drum loop The thing that you hear at the beginning of the song And then I sat down with this Casio keyboard And wrote mostly all of the music in one fell swoop On this keyboard patch And, and the next day and came back a wrote a lyric And it was really just this inspiring moment Where I think a lot of the lyrical and sonic elements of the album That you hear now were sort of Crafted in those two days in Mike's garage Uh, this is High Dive.