It was less than a year after September 11th And I was at the Chicago Tribune writing about shootings and murders And it was leaving me feeling pretty dark and depressed I've done activism in college So I decided to help a local group hang door knockers against animal testing I thought it would be a safe way to do something positive But of course I have the absolute worst luck ever and we were all arrested My charges were dismissed But a few weeks later two FBI agents knocked on my door And they told me that unless I help them by spying on protest groups They put me on a domestic terrorist list I'd love to tell you that I didn't flinch but I was terrified And when my fear subsided I became obsessed With finding out how this happened How animal rights and environmental activists Who have never injured anyone Could become the FBI's number one domestic terrorism threat? A few years later I was invited to testify before Congress about my reporting And I told lawmakers that While everybody is talking about going green Some people are risking their lives to defend forests And to stop oil pipelines They're physically putting their bodies on the line Between the whalers' harpoons and the whales These are everyday people Like the protesters in Italy who spontaneously climbed over barbed wire fences To rescue beagles from animal testing These movements have been incredibly effective and popular So in 1985 their opponents made up a new word "Eco-terrorist" To shift how we view them They just made it up Now companies like Fyser and the Cattlemen's Beef Association The Third Commission, Ringling brothers They've all backed new laws to silence their opponents The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act turns activism into terrorism If it causes a loss of profits Now most people never even heard about this law Including members of Congress Less than one percent were in the room when it passed the House The rest were outside at a new memorial They were praising Dr King As his style of activism is branded as terrorism If done in the name of animals or the environment Supporters say laws like this are needed for the extremists The vandals, the arsonists, the radicals But right now companies like TransCanada Are briefing police about how to prosecute non-violent protesters as terrorists The FBI's own training documents on eco-terrorism are not about violence They're about public relations Today in multiple countries Corporations are pushing new laws that make it illegal To even photograph animal cruelty on their farms The first of these "Ag-Gag" prosecutions, as they're called Was a young woman named Amy Meyer And Amy saw a sick cow being moved by a bulldozer outside of a slaughterhouse As she was standing on the public street And Amy did what any of us would She filmed it When I found out about her story I wrote about it And within 24 hours it created such an uproar That the prosecutors just dropped all of the charges But apparently even exposing stuff like that is a threat Through the Freedom of Information Act I learned that the Counter Terrorism Unit has been monitoring my articles and speeches Just like this one The point of all of this is to make us afraid But as a journalist I have an unwavering faith in the power of education Our best weapon is sunlight Dostoevsky wrote that the whole work of man Is to prove that his a man and not a piano key Over and over throughout history people in power have used fear To silence the truth and to silence dissent It's time to strike a new note The way that we do that The way that we fight fear in the way we move forward Isn't by placing our faith in politicians and CEO's It's by coming together in our own communities of resistance It's no accident that again and again and again The people on the front lines defending the earth and the animals have come from this From punk, from hardcore From basement shows and liner notes and records like this one From hearing that these laws have no meaning Past the setting of the sun I know how bleak and overwhelming this all can feel I struggle with that darkness every single day But despite it all I draw power from this I draw power from seeing handfuls of people No different than you or I With no money and no special training Fight back so fiercely That it has rattled the most powerful industry on the planet to their core I heard this interview with Rodney Mullen a while back People calling him the godfather of street skating But he said that thing about the Bones Brigade and that era of skateboarding was that It was so much more than any individual It's like a match he said A match only has power because of the atmosphere around it The air that allows it to ignite and allows the flame to breathe I'm not sure what the appropriate response is right now The appropriate response to capitalism's relentless destruction on the natural world In the repression of those who dare to resist it But I know that each time we choose compassion over greed Each time we turn our fear into rage Each time we refuse to live an ordinary life That atmosphere only grows And the brighter every new fire will burn