When your plans are laid When the cards are played When the moment comes When your work is done Is it true you have a secret? Is it true you cannot keep it? Is it true you might deceive me? Is it true you're gonna leave me? Well I broke all my rules Broke them all for you Now I feel like such a fool You always keep me guessing Keep me guessing When the plot's unveiled When the ship has sailed When the trap has sprung When your work is done Is it true you have a secret? Is it true you cannot keep it? Is it true you might deceive me? Is it true you're gonna leave me? Well I broke all my own rules Broke them all for you Now I feel like such a fool You always keep me guessing Keep me guessing All the hallmarks of your handicraft Intoxicated, I was blind Under cover of a sultry laugh You slip away into the night Is it true you have a secret? Is it true you cannot keep it? Is it true you might deceive me? Is it true you're gonna leave me? Well I broke all my own rules Broke them all for you Now I feel like such a fool What am I to do? 'Cause I broke all my own rules I broke them all for you Now I feel like such a fool You always keep me guessing Keep me guessing Is it true? Is it true? Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?