Whichever way the wind blows Yesterday used to be tomorrow Every memory is a photo These are words I live by I don't just say them anymore Lets get the show Get the show Get the show On the road again Cuz you dont know You dont know You dont know So lemme clear the air I thank God for everything I got I thank God for everything I lost I thank God for everything I'm not The Great I Am, He really paid the cost Sent His Son, they put Him on the cross I ain't' God, I woulda took Him off If I built the ark, it woulda fell apart I ain't Lot, I woulda turned to salt Whichever way the wind blows Yesterday used to be tomorrow Every memory is a photo These are words I live by I don't just say them anymore Lets get the show Get the show Get the show On the road again Cuz you dont know You dont know You dont know So Lemme clear the air Let me tell you bout the aftermath Went from being married to a bachelor pad One day at a time, will you pray for me? Gotta learn to live with regrets, that's what Jay told me Found a new queen to hold me down Even though I feel like a king without a crown Sunshine, the smoke is clearing now And let me tell you how before I take a bow Anyway the wind blows Yesterday used to be tomorrow Every memory is a photo These are words I live by And I believe'em even more Lets get the show Get the show Get the show On the road again Now you know Now you know Now you know It's time to clear the Heir