He came in, through an open door He felt the heat waves, of the sun's rays As he tried, to escape the light Invisible barriers, held him in Step outside to see what you've been missing The comfort of your home no longer existing Everything seems so bad When everyone's looking down on you It's hard to make an impact Blending in with your surroundings ♪ You've come so far To sit and let it all pass by (pass you by) The world is yours Now go and create a better life (I stay away from this place) Even underground roots soon become Branches leading to the brightness of the sun Grabbing on for dear life Feeling walls encapsulating At any moment it could all be lost Little did he know, this is what they want He danced around the footsteps The aftershock is closing in He can feel the seismic waves Coinciding with my heartbeat Even underground roots soon become Branches leading to the brightness of the sun I want to breathe the air I came from Back to where my life had begun He came in Through an open door He felt the heat waves Of the sun's rays Finally an opening Shows leaves falling on the shadows of the trees Frantically pacing towards home He gave you a friend All he got was death