Burn like the 4th of July Cut through the patriot sky Of the daydream I wrestled through Saturday afternoon I couldn't leave it alone Just before bed I ate like a pro So my kidneys are letting me know What a scar my body's become And I'm a glutton for punishment My shoulders lose pose and my gut wins I never learn, I never learn I never take the pills I never break the heart Break the heart— Burn like the rash in my thighs Choke down this chocolate pie Like I haven't had sustenance Since 1968 I try to feed the wrong 'til it's right I try to find my nobility in the sushi from last night There are times in my war against time When I wish that I was eighteen And my body didn't make a sound every time I bent down And my dreams still looked like dreams It's not that I'm not grateful for what I have And it's not that I'm not proud of what I've done It's just that I'm not sure that I recognize the beetle that I've become And I'm a glutton for punishment My shoulders lose poise while my gut wins I never learn I never take the pills I never shake the need I never look too far ahead or break speed— Bumps like what's under my eyes Bulge from the burger and fries That I'm constantly pushing into the space where nothing fits I thought the worst was to feel worthless But the worst is when a man forgets his purpose It's metamorphosis; it's not quite hell: A bottling up in a torturous shell