Ossifragant force directly applied Triggers signs of painful demise Internecine, bred for blood Broken animal born to rot Purposelessly driven by carnality Cesspool of abandoned immortality Enemy breaking into all until it's hollow Herded by malicious hive mentality Reeks of terror Constant drive to contaminate Poisoning it's own habitat Discontiguity Reeks of terror Misassignment to dominate Limbs disconnection stays permanent Inefficiency МОЁ ИМЯ ДЬЯВОЛ Flesh is fragile, weak is bone Morbid creature critically flawed Internecine, bred for blood Broken animal born to rot ОТЧЕ НАШ! Да святится имя Твое, да приидет Царствие Твое! ОТЧЕ НАШ! Да святится имя Твое, да приидет Царствие Твое! DECAPITATION!