佢唔了解我嘅經歷 冇必要講咁多 I'm working, sorry for I missed the call 佢哋係我後面 佢哋鍾意講 It's not over, now I gotta be strong 依家淨係關心錢 我係咪痴咗線 諗咗好多嘢但我通通放喺心入面 但犧牲了時間 換取了什麼? Who will beside me when I'm getting lost 我都想佢哋記得我個名 Remember to forget the pain I aim for the money and fame 經常會出現係我嘅夢境 Am I going insane? Stuck in my head No, it can't go away I don't want her cry I cannot escape 我睇清左真相我冇得逃避 They say I'm ruthless wit a cold heart! 所有廢物都要消失 I'm waiting for ur pull up Ain't gon stop 直至冇呼吸 唔同你講感情 拎到錢就走 Rock steady, stop capping 你地全部淨係得把口 Pop out wit Nike Air Force 1 They always ask me why I'm so tough I don't need your respect 佢以為我做唔到 但充滿太多變數, how can I control I don't really know them but they know who I am 佢哋仲係地面但我即將登到頂 Started from the bottom, won't forget my past He say I'm so danger She say I'm so bad Trust me I'll finish, won't be hypnotised again Me and my squad, we gon did it again They say I'm ruthless wit a cold heart! 所有廢物都要消失 I'm waiting for ur pull up Ain't gon stop 直至冇呼吸 直至冇呼吸 佢唔了解我嘅經歷 冇必要講咁多 I'm working, sorry for I missed the call 佢哋係我後面 佢哋鍾意講 It's not over, now I gotta be strong 依家淨係關心錢 我係咪痴咗線 諗咗好多嘢但我通通放喺心入面 但犧牲了時間 換取了什麼? Who will beside me when I'm getting lost 我都想佢哋記得我個名 Remember to forget the pain I aim for the money and fame 經常會出現係我嘅夢境 Am I going insane? Stuck in my head No, it can't go away I don't want her cry I cannot escape 我睇清左真相我冇得逃避 我都想佢哋記得我個名 Remember to forget the pain I aim for the money and fame 經常會出現係我嘅夢境 Am I going insane? Stuck in my head No, it can't go away I don't want her cry I cannot escape 我睇清左真相我冇得逃避