A creature from the plains in a far off land Is caged by the hands Of a greedy man of evil Trapped and jeered to be sold for all to see The beast is now a freak, at least that's what they call him... They whip him when he don't dance! "Someday i'm gonna find the strength to break this cage..." Darkness falls all around It waits in silence till it's keepers have left the grounds Enraged it breaks it's cage into the night it flees Not caring what trail it leaves... Now he's free No bars of steel, no crowds to please Fast, he flees Soon they'll see their prized possession's broke it's leash They'll fume and steam! "Find that freak!!!" Now they hunt the beast "FIND THAT FREAK!!!" "I will not be caged, I will break these chains" Now they shall know how it feels To be made out the fool, what a wicked ordeal. Fear will be seen in their eyes If they don't leave me be, I will bring their demise