David sang the praises of the glory of Jehovah Paul preached that "All is loss save knowing Christ" Little John said, "He is precious," by leaning on His bosom So for a moment, may I humbly testify? Did I mention that I love Him, how I worship and adore him? When I can see no way He makes a way (He makes a way) And did I mention He's been faithful to every promise He ever made me? "I love Him," that's all I want to say How many sermons can be preached about this Jesus? How many songs can be sung about God's son? There are not enough words, enough notes in the music To tell the story of all the Savior has done Did I mention that I love Him, how I worship and adore him? When I can see no way He makes a way (He makes a way) And did I mention He's been faithful to every promise He ever made me? "I love Him," that's all I want to say Did I mention He's been faithful to every promise He ever made me? "I love Him," that's all I want to say "I love Him," that's all I want to say