I made myself into a cloud, Into a cloud I made myself, And I sore silently, Under the moon, To see that you were sleeping sound in your room. I sailed over the naked Earth, Over the Earth naked I sailed, And I empty my rain, On hot desert sands, And I smiled when the curious held out their hands. I changed my sheets into a drum, Into a drum I changed my size, And it's easy to fall, It's harder to rise, After all I'm the (lover?) you see with your eyes. I found myself alone in the sky, Alone in the sky I was, And I waited as long, As the wind could abide, To carry my friends back to my side. The (??) clouds are there at night, And some clouds are there in the morning, And some clouds leave their tracks in the sky, But most of us are doing our best to float by, After all we're whatever you see through your eyes, Bring on a wind to blow our friends back to us. I made myself into a cloud Into a cloud I made myself And I soared silently under the moon To see that you were sleeping sound in your room I sailed over the naked earth Over the earth naked I sailed I emptied my rain on hot desert sand I smiled when the curious held out their hand I changed my shape into a drum Into a drum I changed my size It's easy to fall, harder to rise After all, I'm whatever you see with your eyes I found myself alone in the sky Alone in the sky I was I waited as long as the wind would abide To carry my friends back to my side The sun clouds are red at night And some clouds are red in the morning And some clouds leave grey tracks in the sky But most of us are doing the best to float by After all, we're whatever you see with your eyes Waiting on the wind to blow our friends back to our side