Delete 哂我啲 friend 唔要再見到我自己 點解咁多 hashtag 因為個個都自卑 根本冇嘢值得睇 通通將佢 dislike 好多 bitch 好多 like 好多 follow 好多雞 我由你水你繼續抽 我由你女你繼續媾 全世界一樣都係咁醜 我把囗一樣都係咁臭 我老細一樣都係咁鳩 啲小丑 一樣都係咁醜 啲臭閪 一樣都係咁臭 邊個整容 係你女友 有人死就呃個like 全世界一樣 R.I.P. 一張相就 post 幾次 係咪驚死冇人知 呢個城市好得意 報紙雜誌全部醜事 屌下港豬 屌下政治 咪懶有意義 鍵盤戰士 屌埋嗰個狂舞派 再屌埋成個 hiphop 界 四大元素 咪呃細路 仲 Keep 住地下 懶有態度 偽文青 文化沙漠 就係呢度 睇唔睇到 屌埋 future 屌埋 dough 屌埋 tommy here we go 來用我雙手 縫實你把口 無謂再聽嗰班廢物談如何春秋 屌你 鳩噏去到世界盡頭 一味抽水 但係實力未夠 明明冇深溝 狂露個心口 然後擺出一副相貌談何其悲憂 等我碌鳩 辦向你個柒頭 啲狗公多到可以大合奏 ♪ 從來 只需要抽水準 邊個仲在 意有冇水準 有幾盡 就抽到幾盡 不過淨係呃到班死蠢 自信同能力 唔成正比 抽水係搵食 嘅成名技 搵人襯托 玩音樂 懶有道理 講到尾 為咗名利 我望穿 你抽水 我揀咗 unfollow 你戇居 當有趣 用旁 門左道 啲 followers 多到假 質素多數差 正正襯返你一直所做 Fake E.D.M. fuck 呢啲聲 仲咁天真 東門電音 bang bang bang 留返比班靚倞聽 一年 三百 六十 五日諗緊點樣 呃 like 不變 嘅係逐日 監察 搵緊邊樣 借題發揮 抽水就抽水 因為 佢冇內涵 冇料就收咀 點由佢 咁喺 我面前再扮 來用我雙手 縫實你把口 無謂再聽嗰班廢物談如何春秋 屌你 鳩噏去到世界盡頭 一味抽水 但係實力未夠 明明冇深溝 狂露個心口 然後擺出一副相貌談何其悲憂 等我碌鳩 辦向你個柒頭 啲狗公多到可以大合奏 They told me if you wanna make a name you gotta ride the wave But I just couldn't listen to the shit you fuckers trying to say I'm dough-boy I got skinny middle fingers for your fucking face Guess we won't meet again so have a nice fuckin day In Hong Kong we just like to laugh at people like it's part of us Gossips on the internet, this shit is getting hard to trust Bitches want attention so they messing with their photoshop Editing the shit out their faces and their halter tops Suddenly everybody's talking bout politics As if the world revolves around them and they know bout all that shit So they post a video mocking all their enemies And that's how you get Likes boy, overnight celebrity Andy Warhol said it best you got your 15 minutes now If you got a good amount of followers you in the crowd I'm always frowning in my pictures that's just me in real life Cos I'm surrounded by these fuckers, that's how it feels like 來用我雙手 縫實你把口 無謂再聽嗰班廢物談如何春秋 屌你 鳩噏去到世界盡頭 一味抽水 但係實力未夠 明明冇深溝 狂露個心口 然後擺出一副相貌談何其悲憂 等我碌鳩 辦向你個柒頭 啲狗公多到可以大合奏 正柒頭 正柒頭