Please, turn off all the noise And listen to my voice 進入音樂世界 去到次元境界 散播每個角落 深透每個快樂 調整思緒暴走 治癒心靈缺口 無盡輪迴 天長地久 Slow down 放慢腳步 稍後片刻 找個舒適態度 Start up 又回到起點卻步 休息是為了走更長的路 My wave 海浪游動 My Swing 身體搖動 My bass 喇叭震動 連繫無限種可能性 Infinity 圍繞個8字 很不介意 纏繞你一輩子 My rhythm hit inside your mind Replay replay replay Never never too late 柳暗花明 流連忘返 美曲音弦 waking you up 縱使 身存 異地 心藏 避忌 make you wanna stay 仙境 如夢似幻 心境 行雲霧淡 Into my infinity place Start from zero 逐漸無限增加 最後一切歸於零 萬物皆空 循環春夏秋冬 喜怒哀樂的心情 Infinity style, different compose All the colour, all the shape All the taste, all the feelings 全部融合為一體 Slow down 放慢腳步 稍後片刻 找個舒適態度 Start up 又回到起點卻步 休息是為了走更長的路 My wave 海浪游動 My Swing 身體搖動 My bass 喇叭震動 連繫無限種可能性 Infinity 圍繞個8字 很不介意 纏繞你一輩子 My rhythm hit inside your mind Replay replay replay Never never too late You listen my music and loop it again Can you move your body Smooth like my skin My voice slip in Your ear deep inside Feeling yourself, infinity INFINITY INFINITY INFINITY