好多野一早有分數 只不過放係個心到 個深度 係半路 就耗盡力氣 但我無去顯露 Uno 得翻功能牌 but you know 煎熬 係半夜嘅時候 總係衝出黎牽路 無乜好傾訴 講太多 又會似怨婦 斷估 每個人心入面都會有段故 只不過我鍾意將啲 心聲擺落段鼓 有時到氣 吞到落去 又覺得 都唔算苦 因為一切都唔緊要 都無興趣去理會 段日 子有幾可笑 忙碌 呻住有幾攰 每日 同樣 路線 但係個心一早流浪去 同靈魂 悼念 後每日犯住 遊蕩罪 情緒繼續蔓延同封閉 我唔需要可憐或者係安慰 只係尋求改變同望清真諦 直至發現 順從自然嘅珍貴 We are too desperate not to feel sad I don't do balance all out for love It's about walking out it's about you Living to fight so why don't we Erase the line and let it be, let it be 每當再一次去到沉迷 面對住 各種難題 我相信命運 都相信事在人為 一切都係過程 但係咪就係放棄而加 忠誠自己同絕情 只係一線之差 重複嘅戲碼我睇厭 叫我點樣投入體驗 條命本身就係咁 好多嘢無辦法去改變 比現實繼續凌辱 情緒冇辦法平復 咁咪由得佢持續 等待時機成熟 曾經以為係發緊一場永遠都醒唔到嘅夢 當我想確認係咪仲活著 咪由得我繼續去到跌跌碰碰 Not that sad jer 我地可能一早已經明白 Not that sad jer 程路上你我都係乘客 Not that sad jer 終有一日列車總會停泊 Not that sad jer not that sad jer Woah Feel like losing my mind til my heart beats Doubted everything, life is just a game I'll be ooze oozing charm If you believe and try to feel Feed the soul and let it be, let it be I'm feeling not that sad Woah ah ah yeah eh eh yeah yea