One man, two men, come to mow the meadow. Three men, four men, come to mow the hay. Four and Three and Two and One and only once more They mowed the hay and the take it away. On a beautiful Summer's Day. Five men, six men, come to mow the meadow. Seven men, eight men, come to mow the hay. Eight and Seven and Six and Five and Four and Three and Two and One and only once more They mowed the hay and the take it away. On a beautiful Summer's Day. Nine men, ten men come to mow the meadow. 11 men, 12 men, come to mow the hay. 12 11 Ten and Nine and Eight and Seven and Six and Five and Four and Three and Two and One and only once more They mowed the hay and the take it away. On a beautiful Summer's Day. 13 men, 14 men, come to mow the meadow. 15 men, 16 men, come to mow the hay. 16 15 14 13 12 11 Ten and Nine and Eight and Seven and Six and Five and Four and Three and Two and One and only once more They mowed the hay and the take it away. On a beautiful Summer's Day.