You like to fantasise me And you like to mesmerise me And you come on in disguise You with those shallow eyes You're so cool where the lights go by You like to synthesize I want to know where they're coming from So intellectual The way they put their faces on And I want to know what they're trying to do It's so unusual Different places, different times Flash from an instamatic No laughs from a life dramatic You fade with each pass in time You're okay with your cynical plans That tonight in your paranoid dance You take your place in line Cause I want to know where they're coming from So intellectual The way they put their faces on I want to know what they're trying to do It's so unusual Different places, different time Flash from an instamatic No laughs from a life dramatic You fade with each pass in time You're okay with the cynical plans And tonight in your paranoid dance You take your place in line Flashing black Black attack You've got to take it Anyway Flashing black Take me away