You know Recently, I've realized that I'm okay with dying alone I mean, in our line of work Death is always kind of looming over our shoulders But, it's just that I have so many people I care about And that care about me! And none of them deserve to die alone, you know? Dying alone sounds terrifying, horrible! I can't even imagine fading away without Even having a hand to hold So, I'll be there for them For my friends, always I will keep on living, and living, and living Until I'm the last one left As a matter of fact, I want nothing more Than for the seats of my funeral to be empty And then eventually I'll die myself Alone, sure, but... content Knowing that I was there for my friends To the bitter end And I think that's called love! Or some messed up version of it I truly do I think that's called love So yeah, I hope I did alone Not because I think I deserve to suffer Due to some hatred for myself No, no, that's not it It's more like... A burden I choose to bear Due to my love for others If that makes any sense I don't know Hey, look at that! The sun's coming up Night watch over already? Aw I don't know about you boys But I'm beat! Defending Cazilor really takes it out of me Imma hit the hay, I'll catch you later