Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more no more no more no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more What you say Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more no more no more no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more Yong woman young woman don't treat me so mean You're the meanest young woman that I've ever seen I guess if you said so I'd have to pack my things and go That's right Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more no more no more no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more What you say Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more no more no more no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more (Instrumental) Hit the road Jack and don't you come back No more no more no more no more Hit the road Jack and don't you come back no more (Instrumental) You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual 這個怪世界 要有性格都不易 很多東西一一消失 怎樣堅持 勉強去對抗 不守規則慘遭輕視 如不懂法紀 人人說你挑機 你說我太冷 我會默認不想鬆弛 不溫不火不驕不卑不想多表示 不喜歡轉彎 不會矯作令人合意 不喜黨結 公開心事 人人易服 太過紳士 言行賣俗 卻太幼稚 人人亦話我 太飄忽 仿似惹不得 仿似碰不得 或是太獨特 而其實我坦率 不太會爭執 並未有步伐 並未怕突兀 求原諒我太狠 可以說聲不 都會說聲不 落閘已落實 明明是我太真 不會太委屈 並未愛現實 或禮物 No no no You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual You can't break my mind cause I'm unusual 不懂得假裝 鐵價怎麽都不二 你愛讚美我卻厭棄 不聽不視 不喜歡即閃 不需一刻空間轉移 任子彈去飛 然而我卻不死 我有我那套 不偏不倚不猜不疑 不清不楚不東不西請走開不辭 不知者不知 不會多說 若愚大智 一聲不要 煩擾終止 煩人俗務 我懶得知 無聊辯白煞有介事 人人亦話我 太飄忽 仿似惹不得 仿似碰不得 或是太獨特 而其實我坦率 不太會爭執 並未有步伐 並未怕突兀 求原諒我太狠 可以說聲不 都會說聲不 落閘已落實 明明是我太真 不會太委屈 並未愛現實 或禮物 No no no 若你 不懂我意思 只要一出手 經已走遠不出告示 我 只想少一事 只要一出手 一句起說聲不 若你 不懂我意思 只要一出手 經已走遠不出告示 我 只想少一事 只要一出手 一句起說聲不 人人亦話我 太飄忽 仿似惹不得 仿似碰不得 或是太獨特 而其實我坦率 不太會爭執 並未有步伐 並未怕突兀 求原諒我太狠 可以說聲不 都會說聲不 落閘已落實 明明是我太真 不會太委屈 並未愛現實 或禮物 No no no