Psychiatrists and lawyers destroying mankind Drivin' them crazy and stealing them blind Bankers and brokers ruling the world Storing the silver and hoarding the gold Ain't no use in preachers preaching When they don't know what they're teaching The weakest man be strong as Samson When you're being held to ransom ♪ Famine and hardship in true living colour Constant reminders, the plight of our brother Daily starvation, our diet of news Fed to the teeth with a barrage of views Ain't no use in preachers preaching When they don't know what they're teaching The weakest man be strong as Samson When you're being held to ransom ♪ Black men and white men, and Arabs and Jews Causing congestion and filling the queues Fighting for freedom, the truth and the word Fighting the war for the end of the world Ain't no use in preachers preaching When they don't know what they're teaching Weakest man be strong as Samson When you're being held to ransom ♪ Ain't no use in preachers preaching When they don't know what they're teaching Weakest man be strong as Samson When you're being held to ransom ♪ When you're being held What do you say ♪ You're being When you're being held So they don't know you Didn't know you No, no, when you're being held to ransom ♪ Thank you my mother Thank you my piano
Oh it gets warmer Would you like to introduce this one Mick? Make a change Yeah Give us a break Well this one's from our new album called "Exotic Birds and Fruits" It's a song called "The Idol" And uh, actually there's quite a funny story goes along with this When we were recording it in London in the studios They're very posh studios you know, very flash One night I went down to the reception area to the phone booth To phone the wife, say hello Pick the phone up, just about to speak to the wife When I noticed in front of me on the wall was written a four line verse Just the wife answered, I just happened to see the verse And it went like this: I love you in your dress, I love you in your nightie But when the moon shines on your tits Jesus Christ almighty