碰過蓋了視野的霧 兜兜轉轉丟失地圖 也逛過似直捷的路 偏偏發覺 太多錯覺 更加倍覺深奧 奮力過若已未算早 耗盡過無限的清早 趁盛世逐秒地倒數 只想將所有傾倒 大概一路 是這壹步 領教過多多少少損與耗 活到這步 是這壹步 記載了用字藝術的深高 Never expect 行到呢一度 Now we look back at 每一步 Didn't know what's right Just did what we liked Keep住做 行出屬於自己嘅路 Though we hesitate 怕自己太平凡 Have lack of faith 不過點都會繼續行 'Cause the darkest hour is right before dawn 可能下一步就到達要去嘅地方 So be patience with all the passion just calm down 每件事未必好似想像中咁簡單 仲要我哋有一班伯樂 一班一步兵 將我哋前面嘅道路照得更加光明 照到OP個背影 大過佈景 一齊陪我哋去過呢個成長嘅旅程 For ourselves and for you all, we won't stop Climb to new heights with every step that we walk 大概一路 是這壹步 領教過多多少少損與耗 活到這步 是這壹步 記載了用字藝術的深高 誰記得 多少個 軟弱停步 還記得 只得我 走得更高 (Why are we here) (Why are we here) (Why are we here) 'Cause we don't wanna be looked down So we keep hunting like ravenous foxhound (Why are we here) 'Cause we need people to hear our sound Let it out, let our talent to be found (Why are we here) 'Cause we ain't gonna compromise with apathetic people Just to find a common ground But these ain't the only reasons why we're here It's 'cause of every single one of you so we persevere 是每一步 聚滿壹步 趁世界不分好歹擺與佈 踏上一步 就這壹步 你與我可歌可泣的到老 還記得 只得我 拒絕停步 還記得 只得我 走得更高