Okay everybody, it's time to get out Of the basement and into the cemetery! Learning to trust your instincts And also to not makeout with vampires Is Lesson # 1 Do as I say, not as I do S is for Stakes, they go through the heart L is for Loving that death is your art A is for Always watching your back Y? So you don't wind up a vamp-snack! (Oh you already know, you already know) (Oh, I'm gonna show you what you've got in your bones) All right all right, next lesson We're hitting the local demon bar Yak urine shots all around! Remember, this is a place you need to keep your guard up Even if you run into an old pal Who Tivo'ed you something on the History Channel, ok? S is for Stakes, they're made out of wood L is for Low pay - like, NO livelihood A is for Apocalypse like, right now Y? Because you're on the freakin' Hellmouth (Oh you already know, you already know) (Oh, I'm gonna show you what you've got in your bones) You want that, you got that power (power) You want that, you got that power (power) Our final stop on this tour Of Demonic Nooks & Crannies of Sunnydale Is this faaaabulous crypt Home to a whole nest of vampires! Know your enemy and know their habitat And they're less likely to know the taste of your lifeblood! Also, hey, you guys totally got this one GOOD LUCK! *door slam* S is for Stakes, which are very high! L is for this Lair, where I hope you don't die A is for All of the demons you'll beat! Y? Because you're all a lot like me (Oh you already know, you already know) (Oh, I'm gonna show you what you've got in your bones) (What you've got in your bones) (What you've got in your bones) (You already know) (What you've got in your bones)