Few years ago, Hell's Kitchen, Gotham 2 am walking nothing in site quiet silent, heard somebody crying Dipped into an alley saw a figure in the corner Down on the floor back against eye wall hands over his ears screaming it was too much to bear I approached him slowly i was like "what's up homey?" He looked up saw me smile on my face Seemed that he didn't like the taste Seemed like he fell from grace He proceeded to explain a little something to me He spent years oblivious to everything around him which now manifested itself thru tears He complained about husbands drunk cheating on their wives drinking beers As a couple across the street stared. He really cared I didn't I laughed at him, for a minute I mean what was he thinking? He said he contributed to half the beautiful music building sand castles only to see them washed away Only to see them washed away He said he thought they would last but something reminded him not today And he cried And he cried and he cried And he asked me why do more people love to hate and hate to love And i said its out of my hand, that's in the hands of the one above And he laughed and said that's where I came from I'm Cupid I thought it was funny, thought it was a joke I looked in his eyes though he really gave up hope This wasn't just a man mad at the world You could see the pain in his face and he didn't even have a girl You could understand the story though sitting here all alone supposed to bring us together With nothing in it for him Must be hard, Jesus twice Forsaken... by who? The higher light That's what happens to us all one minute we in love the next minute we out Out of he house? No matter where Love doesn't last forever i swear Sat there, Cupid As he dropped his hands from his ears and looked up into the air and he stared And he told me that its sad that people don't care And i said yeah, you're right And he looked at me And i looked at him And he could see all hope wasn't lost This just happens no cost no love lost Can't save the world but you can save yourself With that he got up brushed off his shoulder took off his jacket and let the wings just go up And he looked at me and smiled and he said you're a good child He looked at me and said you're a good child and he took off into the wild You might not believe me but its true: Cupid cries and so do you But he cries for you, Cupid cries for you Cupid he cried he cried for you I saw Cupid cry for me let your arrow fly free love me