オレは東京生まれヒップホップ育ちどころか 友達がいねぇ 夕立に打たれ震えオレは只ひたすらに Beat repeat 引きこもりのNEET ありがちなFlow ありがちなBreak 伏し目がちな女でMasterbation For no one 自分自身ですら冷めてるMind 便所で過ごすLunch time Pornhub見つめすぎてゲシュタルト崩壊 NHK特集のスローライフ 右へ左へ Left and right 知ったこっちゃねえよ Which? Pay no mind 諸行無常の鐘の音に身を任す Slowdive 夢でだけは High five Keep it real, make it still Tokyo state of mind ♪ Kids are relaxing on the floor Singing and dancing in the circle People relaxing on the shore The color fades when you're gone to the door ♪ The color fades when you're gone to the door ♪ The color fades when you're gone to the door ♪ The color fades when you're gone to the door