Did you ever really try To figure out which you said you might Or only separated our serenades Did you ever really try To figure out what is left inside Or only saved it for another time I cannot save your soul I cannot watch you go I cannot save your soul Oh, how I wish I could just say so All that we ever fought for All the love that we fell for I just cannot fight in every war To find a way to carry on I figured out which you said I might Oh, maybe we could try another lives Did you ever really find anything that we left behind? Now could you find the time to say one more goodbye? Can you still remember Catching the falling leaves of our tree? If you could change the day now Is it one more day away from me Or one more for me? All that we ever fought for All the love that we fell for I cannot save your soul I cannot save your soul Oh, how I wish I could just say so All that we ever fought for All the love that we fell for I just cannot fight in every way To find a way to carry on ♪ It's all now gone We lived the life for, we paid the price for We lived the life for, we paid the price for We lived the life for, we paid the price for It's all now gone All that we ever fought for All the love that we fell for I cannot save your soul I cannot save your soul Oh, how I wish I could just say so All that we ever fought for All the love that we fell for I just cannot fight in every way To find a way to carry on