Luke wanders idly around the yard He toddles in circles and wonders "When did it get so dark?" Tossing and turning the seconds drag His dizzy returning Can what he imagines really be so bad? Roses and thorns Tattered and torn Three cheers for the down and outs Three cheers for the others who would smile and say "Three cheers for the hand me downs" Three cheers for our brothers all those miles away Roses and thorns He numbers his blessings and thanks his stars While millions go nesting and dream of Getting lucky in their home town bars So the mountains grew lush And the air had cleared Pleated white curtains were drawn to Meet the atmosphere Oh Roses and thorns Tattered and torn Three cheers for the down and outs Three cheers for the others who would smile and say "Three cheers for the hand me downs" Three cheers for our brothers all those miles away Roses and thorns Three cheers for the down and outs Three cheers for the others who would smile and say "Three cheers for the hand me downs" Three cheers for our brothers all those miles away Roses and thorns