I must away love, I can no longer tarry The morning tempest I have to cross I will be guided without a star love Into the arms I love the best I walked up tae her bedroom windae I leant my back there against a stane I whispered softly intae her windae "My darling lassie, dae ye lie alane?" She raised her head from her snowy pillow And with her arms raised across her breast Said "Who is this at my bedroom windae "Disturbing me at my long night's rest?" I said "My true love, its you own true lover "Open the door now and let me in "For I have come on a long, long journey "And I am drenched unto the skin" She opened the door then without a murmur Opened the door then and let me in We gently kissed and embraced each other And in the morning we lay as yin The day was dawning, the cocks were crawing The birds were whistling in every tree Farewell my true love, for I must leave ye For now the long night has turned to day I must away love, I can no longer tarry The morning tempest I have to cross I will be guided without a star love Intae the arms I love the best