Only one ocean... only one ocean Only one ocean... only one ocean Only one ocean... only one ocean Only one ocean... only one ocean It's only one ocean, only one sea The ocean is the reason that life can be It's only one ocean, wherever you stand Look around and see how it shapes the land All life's formed in the ocean It's the reason we can breath the air Plankton plants make oxygen And send it to the atmosphere The highest peak in the ocean The deepest trench is just off-shore Wherever you walk, you can find some rock Of the ancient ocean floor Only one ocean... only one ocean Only one ocean... only one ocean Only one ocean... only one ocean Its only one ocean, only on sea The ocean holds life's diversity It's only one ocean, wherever you go The ocean is the reason for the wind and the snow All the exosystems A living soup of salty sea Life adapts to its habitats So many forms and varieties It turns the global current Of wind and rain and air If's a big ole' weather machine Spinning energy everywhere Chourus It's only one ocean, only one sea It ties us all together you to me Its only one ocean, shore to shore There's so much more yet to explore All life in common needs the water It's in our blood and our history Our food and inspiration come Fromt this gift of timeless sea Put you mask and snorkel on Let's explore as we descend For science here is the last frontier What we all must comprehend Chourus Only one ocean, only one ocean Let's give the ocean sancity It's only one ocean, that's all we've got Without it things would get pretty hot The Indian Ocean Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean There all connected We got one ocean Around the globe Blue Blue Planet Yeah Only on ocean Gotta care for the ocean Gotta love the ocean