Silence speaks more than words The quiet I'll yearn Where our false echoes of fear disappear And I can finally start to see clear Time isn't linear But I'll agree it's moved on Lost my mind, my heart And found a new normal in the dark Dream of tomorrow you'll lose sight of today Dread your past and you'll lose your way The present, the calmest place Sat outside, watched the leaves fall The cumulus, tease the dry plains A skeleton of a tree remains Don't fear, seasons change Searched and found nothing Prayed and heard nothing Sat still, observed, listened and I found something Searched and found nothing Prayed and heard nothing Sat still, listened and I found something Empty space in my mind Burn the pages of the past Drew some new lines Why am I here? What fills the space between the binds? Lost my mind, my heart Found a new normal in the dark Words are the limit to our minds And all that can heal; silence and time Where our false echoes of fear disappear And I can start to see a new normal