Yourself alone in these shadowed depths A faint green light is visible in the distance You push and swim towards it, the light growing brighter Closer, as that grows closer A second light rests on the horizon As that first light gets brighter You can see this source taking shape It's a figure, female, nude, also swimming Avantika, she looks and points to you The waters around you seem to glow The same color light You look down at your body And you see that you are now the third glowing Source of this green energy And suddenly, the waters are easy to traverse What was once sluggish and difficult To Fjord is second nature A voice comes through "Watching" ♪ The distant light you see suddenly Dives with incredible speed Nearly out of sight Avantika dives down after, rocketing down below you Breakneck in her speed You dart after her to give chase Moving far quicker than you anticipated You realize the water is becoming thinner and thinner Like air, you're falling Three shooting stars plummeting through a dark sky "Learn"