Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici Devotes gens, crions a Dieu merci Chantons Noël pour le Roi nouvelet Noël nouvelet, Noël chantons ici Waking from my sleep a vision came to me For before my eyes there stood a flowering tree Where on a bright red rosebud I did see Noël nouvelet, a new Noel sing we How my heart did glow with inward joy divine For with rays of glory did the rosebud shine As when the sun doth blaze on break of day This Noel sing we a Noël nouvelet So, upon my bed I saw these wonders all Dreaming of a child, an infant child so small Jesus of Nazereth called a King to be Noel nouvellet, a new Noel sing we Noël nouvelet, sing we a new Noel Thank we now our God, and of His goodness tell Sing we Noel to greet the new born King Noël nouvelet, a new Noel we sing