Sometimes we feel so lost Sometimes we feel alone In a deep mental ocean filled with fears and negative thoughts Change to our high frequency, is a sacred decree In our bodies our auras are beginning to shine Dark entities won't win us Their cancer won't win us We have the perfect solution Music to fight demons, music in souling form Music to break the walls through the highest vibration We are on time to fight with solutions based on imagination We are on time to be aware about our stupid sublimation of egos We are fading the veil that has kept closed our third eye In a continue war versus dense and low vibrations We are immersed in sense arenas made of lies that we call life We make up a maniac society thirsty of power And the manifestations of life in our planet die But now the codes of our DNA that had been stay locked are being unlock cause our inner geometries lit Music is love of God, we are music so we feel love of God If we feel our hearts, we vibrate in every vibration octave, octave, octave Music is love of God, we are music so we feel love of God Our hearts being music are love, high vibration We can leave duality to be one with everything We can change hate for compassion Music to fight demons, music in souling form Music to break the walls through the highest vibration Our high vibration can break the walls Because we are made of quantum love particles that move at toroid form Music is love of God, we are music so we feel love of God If we feel our hearts, we vibrate in every vibration octave, octave, octave Music is love of God, we are music so we feel love of God Our hearts being music are love, high vibration