Take me home Take me home Take me home Take me home Where the river sleeps peaceful in its bed To a place where all the feelings have been said Where the clouds move gently across the sky To the field where envy goes to die Where the sun glows deep ochre all day Where the children play Take me home Take me home Take me home Take me home To the city where all the stories end To the place where you'll find an absent friend Where the shifting sands finally come to rest Where all the thieves are blessed Where the leaves never fall from the tallest trees; that's where I want to be Take me home Take me home Take me home Take me home Back to the Garden Take me home Back to the Garden Where the roses take delight in the winter frost To the maze where jealous thoughts are lost To a land where the meek shall inherit the earth Where the things are valued for their worth Where all the souls receive their pardon Take me, take me to the Garden Take me home Back to the Garden Take me home Back to the Garden Take me home Back to the Garden Take me home Back to the Garden