Baptized in fear All life controlled by the all seeing eye There's nowhere to hide Bigotry spoils the essence of life The wrath will divide Those who are sentenced to fear and witness The outcome will desecrate Lost in the abyss Where they breath slowly to drown in vain Consumption devours the essence of light A violent torment has been awoken A nightmarish wave shall rise Spitting confessions with no remorse A swarm of death brings havoc upon the sky No remorse Consumption devours the essence of light A violent torment will ravage the earth Absolution no more The skies regain complete control No one is safe A sea of indulgence neglecting the real threat ahead Hopeless land All goodness captured and carried away Sedated and broken No salvation The storm has just begun Bathe in damnation Asylum denied Begging is futile Chaos remains Restless days and nights passing by The blood runs deep Form open wounds of innocent flesh Universal hiss trembling with disguise The blackened smite Rise above the lakes of death The breeze of joy wiped away Only dust remains Condemned Forever dead