You know you know that they really fucked up Let go just try not to get sucked up Just be yourself don't be ruled by others Since when being cool has become a problem You know you know that they really fucked up Let go just try not to get sucked up Just be yourself don't be ruled by others Since when being cool has become a problem Sunt inconjurat de eltisitii si fascistii astia nebuni Sunt satul sa mi se spuna cat nu sunt de bun Parintii mau inchis in beci ca hata ii fac de ras Acuma cine rade coaye nu vezi unde am ajuns Dute-n pula mea ba tata ca cureaua nu ma doare Imi da motivatie sa pun toata lumea la picioare Criza de identitatei cica-i doar o faza dracu sa va futa Sunt asa de zece ani sio sa mai fiu o suta Experienta-i comuna si stiu ca ne-apasa Nu poti sa-ti traiesti toata viata in casa Tre doar sa te increzi si sa-ti placa de tine Numi pasa ce zic n-au nimic privire Nimic in privire si nimic in cap Sunt genu de oameni care nu tac Coaie nu mi pasa nu mai stau in casa Fac tot ce vreau si stiu c o sa iasa Sunt voi si sunt eu si suntem in viata Si nu stiu ce pula mea demotiveaza You know you know that they are really fucked up Let go just try not to be sucked up Just be yourself don't by ruled others Since when being cool has become a problem