Lowel bel lowel let me say T3ebet mel jaryen wrahom Kha nkasser badel the way I think the way i express things Kelmtin khfef ech mrakez jarreb karres Moch f ay wathi9a tobsom b your ink Ozdom b your thing D9i9a ma tetkhserch lwa9t thmin Mech njibou tawa keyeset m3ebya 7ess fi zne9i 7yetek masarifha kothrou ma famechi be9i Be9i ken rabi wa7dou na7bou Jnina nawarha met fed Nafsiti t7ebnich na7kou la7nou Meghir morr youja3 el zrous 7ouz 9dar fi thnitek Ma tnou9ez el na9ouz Methawer yomkon ysamiha na3cha9 moujesfa Mouch hedha ma fihechi feyda Ma tmedech lsen w ma tarmich klemek Lelli yji 7atta mel 9ahwa 7awel tochrobha ken m3a 3bed khir mennek Nesi tlamou tfehmou nhar lzar Tneket omha nhar l7sad 7ram 7san yrakedh ma ghzartoulou ken dhhar Maditech enech Entouragi toxic akther melli tsawart Nesi tlamou tfehmou nhar lzar Tneket omha nhar l7sad 7ram 7san yrakedh ma ghzartoulou ken dhhar Maditech enech Entouragi toxic akther melli tsawart Sawart fi mokhi la7adhat We7ed mokhou tcharreg men kothret ma bhet 7at fi jibi masque Nfok el role akther mel flous sa3at Sa3at yama B 3in toghzor ki konna zoghzogh Mashelha kenet enek mas2oul Dawer el kelma fi fomok 9bal ma tkharrejha rsas Fama 3a9ar Fama path Fama kaf men kaf Fanter ken fakkoulek blasa fel saf Safi ma 9belnich Music bch fomi sakart Fi woujoudi nkart Fi woujoudi nkart T9oul nsou9 menghir permis Moch 3aref win mechi Lili t3ada w n3es li men dekhel Bech fajri tla3