We wanna testify of the goodness of our God Telling him you're worthy of all our praise Saints,you're holy,you're holy,you're holy You're holy lord God almighty You are the one who was and is to come And we are saying you are worthy of all our praise You are worthy,you are worthy You are worthy,you are worthy of all our praise You're holy,you're holy,you're holy You're holy lord God almighty The one who was and is to come And of your kingdom there shall be no end And we say you're worthy You're worthy,you're worthy,you're worthy Worthy to receive all of the praise,all of the worship,all of the adoration You are worthy of all our praise You are faithful,you are faithful You're faithful,you're faithful lord God almighty The one who was and is to come You are worthy,you are worthy You are worthy,you are worthy of all our praise We love you,we love you We love you,we love you lord God almighty The one who was and is to come You're worthy,you're worthy,you're worthy You are worthy of all our praise Glory,honor,dominion and majesty Forever and ever amen Glory,honor,dominion and majesty Forever and ever amen Glory,honor,dominion and majesty Forever and ever amen Glory,honor,dominion and majesty Forever and ever amen Oh jesus You are worthy of our praise And you know jesus for the rest of our life jesus We will praise and worship,the one and only king Jehovah,God amen