As the shadows loom over Vatican The finest of Christendom convene On finding ways to salvation On binding the kings of their nations Eternal damnation calls their names Here, in the heart of Europe It's more than death they now fear It's the cold justice of the grave In their handsome armour, assemble the brave Victory or martyrdom equally craved... Rains fall upon blighted soil As legions of the dead slowly advance The foul stench of evil embroils Now the living clings to sword and lance How can mortal weapons stand Against the might of darkened minds? How can they alone defend their homes Unless the scimitar joins in line? Come the four corners of the world As heavens weep and the bread is fouled As maidens of virtue forfeit their curves And crimson wine fills their bowels Survival instincts abound At the hearts of these armed men The din of battle sharply resounds Thus sinks the steel to rotten flesh Arz-ı Şimal'den huruç eyleyende zulmet ol iblis-i bed-siyah arza kamet eyledikte Tersa vü müselman ve cümle halk feryada durup derya vü âsmân kıyamet eyleridi Ne dua-yı papa ne niyaz-ı Ka'ba zulmetine hacet eyleridi Hünkâr-ı cihanın gûşuna vasıl olanda, şedde-i gazabından yer gök feryat eyledi Ateş-i tiğ kürre-i kalbine duhulen cânı helak oluben ruhu âlem-i ademe ricat eyledi Ol vakit açıldı felaket Cem olup halk şah-ı fatihe nazar eylediler Görende çeşmini "heyhat!" eylediler Çün zulmet-i lain sinmiş idi aynine Ol vakitten beridir nasta ikamet eyler...