Eternity is planted in all our hearts Eternity is planted in all our hearts When you hear a brother say Forever young You shouldn't be mistaken He speaks for us all When you hear a sister say Forever young You shouldn't be mistaken She speaks for us all Eternity is planted in all our hearts. In all our hearts You say the world is a gold mine But am not tripping The money the fame the game Am not tripping Am rep ping Jesus now a days He's all am needing Eternity's on my mind Call me an Alien here Am a sojourn er here Its been a fine year But I don't belong here This ain't emotion speaking Its my decision reeling Am a child of revelation Nada denomination I hate fornication Jesus can heal our Nations Yea! Fallen star Your days are falling fast You're on a precipice How you gonna rest in peace For all eternity Eternity is planted in all our hearts In all our hearts When you hear a brother say Forever young You shouldn't be mistaken He speaks for us all When you hear a sister say Forever young You shouldn't be mistaken She speaks for us all Eternity is planted in all our hearts. In all our hearts I will awaken my dawn Send darkness on a run My weapon is more than a gun I stand on the revelation John Hell your gonna burn Look my chains are gone God is still not done Digging out your treasure Solomon Why do you think I run For more divine protection What do you think its from Its called the tribulations You call it 666 My generation Is on a long thing Procrastinating Time is not waiting But they say am wrong As for me I wanna live long For all eternity For all eternity Eternity is planted in all our hearts. In all our hearts Eternity is planted in all our hearts. In all our hearts When you hear a brother say Forever young You shouldn't be mistaken He speaks for us all When you hear a sister say Forever young You shouldn't be mistaken She speaks for us all Eternity is planted in all our hearts. In all our hearts He was in the world And the world was made by Him And the world knew Him not He came unto His own And His own received Him not But as many as received Him He gave the power to become sons of God Even those who believe on His Name TAKE ME BACK TO THE CHURCH Whatever your religion Its in your heart I don't know your location Its in your heart Whether white whether black Its in your heart Whether old whether young Its in your heart Whether short or tall Whatever your religion says Its in your heart Say now say now