You wanna protect me? Just come in my home everything is free Some guys upstairs gives you the sheriff star For the control of me they gotta???? Come on chief do the police Some guys upstair told you I'm a thief But I'm not alone and we're waiting for you Here's a???? in your face, what else can we do? J'suis écoeuré par le pouvoir les lois, cette répréssion Qui rode autour de nous presque à chaque acte, né sous tension La liberté n'est plus qu'une imagerie de compte pour enfant La propagande flash les cerveaux par le bied d'un petit écran La mode est à la surenchère de l'asservissement A finir en mouton et ésclave au teint jaunissant Du boulet au boulot l'étaut se sère le but d'aller plus haut Plutôt pas se faire emmerder par le con qui trone dans son château Voici ma joie de vivre où tout devient possible A coup de populisme la bergerie courbe les chines L'extremisme passe en revue ses troupes blazées et passéiste L'avidité trone dans la trogne d'élus égocentriques You wanna protect me? Just come in my home everything is free Some guys upstairs gives you the sheriff star For the control of me they gotta???? Come on chief do the police Some guys upstair told you I'm a thief But I'm not alone and we're waiting for you Here's a???? in your face, what else can we do? Par qui s'laisse-t-on emmené Eux ils divisent pour mieux reigner Nos libertés s'éfacent pour qu'le dictat fasse son entrée On recule par manque de courage ou manque d'interêt Au final on retrouve le bourreau tronant sur l'mur de nos foyer Les peuples ont la mémoire courte vieilles lacérations Ces chaînes rouillées qui rongent la chaire et s'propagent tel un poison Surtout ne pas penser, le dogme d'une génération Ronger par l'formatage d'idées qui nous laisse dans une prison Attendant le jour de gloire et la foule en liesse You wanna protect me? Just come in my home everything is free Some guys upstairs gives you the sheriff star For the control of me they gotta???? Come on chief do the police Some guys upstair told you I'm a thief But we're not alone and we're waiting for you Here's a???? in your face, what else can we do? Who do you think you are? To rape my secret garden Who do you think I am? To survive in the city Well have mercy mercy mercy on us Poor people this my call to the voice???? And don't let, don't let them enter your world Don't let them burn your cloud Cause they're not going to let you ask you why Now that my door is open to my crew But you just want to protect me And come in my home everything is free Some guys upstairs gives you the sheriff star For the control of me they gotta???? Come on chief do the police Some guys upstair told you I'm a thief But I'm not alone and we're waiting for you But I'm not alone You wanna protect me? Just come in my home everything is free Some guys upstairs gives you the sheriff star For the control of me they gotta???? Come on chief do the police Some guys upstair told you I'm a thief But I'm not alone and we're waiting for you Here's a???? in your face, what else can we do? You wanna protect me? Just come in my home everything is free Some guys upstairs gives you the sheriff star For the control of me they gotta???? Come on chief do the police Some guys upstair told you I'm a thief But we're not alone and we're waiting for you Here's a???? in your face, what else can we do?