MAXICRON Good morning, Hero Leaguers! FENDERBENDER Morning, Maxicron! DARK SUN Max. AMAZING GRACIE Hey, punkin'. MAXICRON Amazing Gracie, ixnay on the unkin-pay. FENDERBENDER Aah, come off it, big guy, Everyone knows. MAXICRON They DO!? AMAZING GRACIE Uh-huh. DARK SUN Remember last month when you had your memories drained by the Identity Thief? Well, he made MPGs. MAXICRON -- WHAT!? COMPTROLL Affirmative. FENDERBENDER MAXICRON Fine. Fine. Any new business? AMAZING GRACIE Just one thing -- a letter. From... Wimbledon? DARK SUN What's it say? AMAZING GRACIE The Hero League has been invited To travel overseas and play In a charity event for the Duke of Kent A tournament of croquet. And they'll even pay our way. HEROES Cool! MAD SCIENTISTS (IN DISGUISE) We'd like to welcome you to Wimbledon, The proper sporting place for gentlemen You are all pure of heart, thanks for taking part... In our tournament of croquet. FENDERBENDER 'Scuse me -- I don't know how to play. MAD SCIENTISTS (IN DISGUISE) Gasp! SIR WILFRED (IN DISGUISE) Now, now -- Let us explain the rules to our former colonists. Our side's red and yellow, you'll be black and blue, Take the club -- stout fellow! and we'll start with you. DR. MALLEVO (IN DISGUISE) Now you aim for the hoop -- -- play it where it lies -- SIR WILFRED (IN DISGUISE) Good show! DR. MALLEVO (IN DISGUISE) And now it's our turn... so everybody dies!